First Read This

I tryed to make an good pasta on tablet for my friend because it was his birthday but then somehow it got ''fucked up'' and turned into an horrible pasta in 2013 summer. Now i decieded to do the hard work translating this pasta to english from finnish (badly) and send it to Trollpasta Wiki. 
Why i did tell this? Most of you didnt even read this...

Actual Story

Once i was in my room, watching TV at night. I got an call from my friend and i answered it. He did an joke call, cause he hates him and i didnt care about it.
Then i watched TV again and i bringed an pepsi and then the pepsi started to wobble. Then i walked on a floor idk why. Then faceless zombie bringed me to WC and they knocked me once and i got paralysed and dizzy. THATS WEAK DYYDE.
Then i was in my room  and i noticed there was nothing and clock ticked loudly. Then it stopped. I noticed i was in dream. Clock started ticking again, louder and louder. I moved outside the building by walking idk why and the ticking stopped. There was no people outside. I moved all over the place and i founded an face.
Then face said:Everybody is died... Cause you did it... I answered:WTF! What you mean? Face said:I cant tell why you did it but clock is ticking! 
Then cllock started to tick loud and world started to wobble and wubble and wabble and wsobble. I noticed there was my friends, family and everybody crying and then they all died.I tried to yell but my dad said:I hate you, son. You did this to us. I answered: I dont understand! What happened? Dad said:You should know it... And he died
I was crying and i felt to a weird room and i noticed it was an prison.  There was other people but they didnt have no faces or anything. They noticed me and they walked past the cell doors and came to me like zombies. Then clokck ticked loudly and faceless prisoners come at me and said: Time's Out!
I noticed they cant hurt me and i just walked by the walls just like htm. Then i was falling and i flyed for moment then i falled and i screamed so much and i waked up.
I was not in my room. I was in mental hospital. Doctor said:Finally you waked up! We sended you here, cause neighbours heard weird sounds. I was here for two weeks and doctors said i was finally cured. But if im cured how i can see faceless zombies from the window?